
Digital Marketing Insights


4 Link Building strategies you might want to consider

  Putting together successful link building strategies is just one part of what can only be described as a minefield in tackling SEO techniques. Having said that, I believe link building is among the top essential techniques that any digital marketer should be considering when going through search engine optimization strategies. Link building is about…
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April 7, 2014 0
responsive emails

Responsive design to uplift your email click through rates!

The way your customers read their mail has drastically changed with the introduction of smart phones and tablets in the last couple of years. According to Litmus, an average of 40% of all emails is now being read on mobile, a number that is not very surprising except for the rate at which it is…
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March 30, 2014 0

Boost Your AdWords CTR with Google Sitelinks!

Since Google introduced the Ad Site link feature, a lot of businesses have jumped on board to exploit this tool. Surprisingly, many other businesses on the contrary are still not taking advantage of this feature and running their PPC campaigns without utilizing Sitelinks. Using this tool can be very useful to optimize your PPC campaigns…
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March 23, 2014 0

Back to the Basics! Few SEO essentials you should be looking at

It has been made clear by now that basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessary component for any successful website. The aim of every website owner nowadays is to have his website easily visible and ranking high with the big search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This might sound like quite a simple…
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March 15, 2014 0
facebook like

Why did they press “LIKE” to your brand Facebook page!

A popular question that comes up probably in a lot of social media discussions: “Why Do People Like Facebook Pages?”  A lot of people wonder sometimes why anyone might want to like their page! There a lot of reasons behind people actually liking your page, let’s go through 3 of  the main ones: Brand loyalty…
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March 9, 2014 0